Why Do Christians Suffer?

A question I thought to myself, “Why do we suffer?” I will let y’all answer this one. This is going to be one of my shorter posts on why I believe we suffer as Christians. The concern here is for Christians. What is this concern?

Well, for starters:

  • Persecution
  • Doubt
  • Insecure Faith
  • Not enough Evidence
  • The Bible’s Moral Standards
  • Contradictions, and Errors

These are a few examples to why each day becomes harder and harder to continue in the Faith. We have the world keeps attacking our views, demanding answers, and scientific evidence that our God exists.

Their claim is if we have no physical or scientific evidence, therefore God doesn’t exist. Meaning we are deluded, illusion, irrational, ignorant, biased, closed-minded hypocrites. Who think they know better then everyone else, and their all wrong because they do not have faith in God. That is how Christianity is labeled today in a nutshell.

But all because of what?

Atheist’s response:

“Because your god told you so!”

Their beliefs:

God doesn’t exist without the evidence. 2) Historical manuscripts are not considered evidence anymore. 3) Only discoveries found in the laboratory are accurate.

Also when debating smart Atheist who knows the Bible more then a Christian does, “Literally, not Spiritually” when they ask you a question, they proves their point of God being non-existent because we lack the evidence according to them. Your wrong, just know that. You are wrong. That is what they think. All they want is evidence, once the evidence (God) appears they will begin to believe. So what happens now is, You have been put into a situation of doubt with your faith in Jesus. Your God is now on the line. Normally what we do is we go to the Bible to re-affirm our faith or dig deeper to become a stronger Christian. This is great for our faith, but its terrible according to Atheism. According to Atheists and secular psychologists your psychology struggling with some type of disorder called “The Backfire Effect.”

“Confirmation bias (also called confirmatory bias or myside bias) is a tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs or hypotheses.[Note 1][1] People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way. The effect is stronger for emotionally charged issues and for deeply entrenched beliefs. They also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position. Biased search, interpretation and memory have been invoked to explainattitude polarization (when a disagreement becomes more extreme even though the different parties are exposed to the same evidence), belief perseverance (when beliefs persist after the evidence for them is shown to be false), the irrational primacy effect (a greater reliance on information encountered early in a series) and illusory correlation (when people falsely perceive an association between two events or situations).”

But one thing I realize about Atheist is they are not limited on their research because they believe in nothing, except their evidence. So now I’m convinced that since Atheist believe in nothing but their evidence? Then they use the backfire effect as well. Their whole argument just contradicted themselves. Why, evidence to them is different from what Christians claim to be evidence. Realize I’m not talking materialistic evidence here. I’m talking “faith, spiritual, and sacrificial evidence.” That is the differences here when it comes to evidence. Christians rely on science yes, we rely on historical manuscripts, but also spiritual experiences and encounters with God. This takes place in our Faith with Him. As to Atheist, they just rely on the materialistic part of the evidence, without the spiritual faith. Atheist have faith in their evidence, but not in their spiritual evidence because they do not believe in spiritual evidence. So what do Christians and Atheists have Faith in common with. Their physical evidence, but not spiritual evidence. Atheists do not believe in spiritually. According to the backfire effect, its a disorder.

So back to the points

We suffer back their right, and were wrong, but yet we live in a world that consistently changes, updates, and edits their own psychological, scientific, or historical books ALL THE TIME! We have political science books, world history books, biology, anatonomy, cosmology, and all these books of the new 2012 edition, 2013, 14. Coming out because secularism either found a new discovery, or got something wrong in the old text because it actually wasn’t true. My point being is,

They argue how can the Bible be true if it has ANY errors, contradictions, what-so-ever. I tell ya, the Bible has been a lot less edited then the books have that our elementary, middle, and high school, and college professors have been editing throughout the past few years. Let’s examine their mistakes real quick:

1) Evolutionists proclaim evolution happened millions to billions years ago and some how fishes learned how to walk and eventually evolved into the caveman, but yet. . . it is true and some how it happened. So therefore this is the evidence. Next year it won’t be.

2) A Christian would reply John 1:1 or Genesis Chapter 1. Funny, the Bible was edited little, but has mantained to stay the same over a period of a couple thousand of years!

3) Atheist, and secularists textbooks change because of their evidence and its possibly being edited because its not true and they want to make it appeal to their crowd which is the world. Of course it’s a cool discovery, I love what stuff they find, but why do they always update, edit, and move on to more evidence. To have a solid, strong argument, a strong truth. Just like Christians do. But they need so much more. Because they lack the spiritual evidence. So therefore they do stuff without God.

Another example that their evidence isn’t true

Well. . .

Secularists believed Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and Isaac Newton were atheists, but actually they were not. Most were theist. Their again is another lie and error. And Secularists are saying that sense my Bible has minor, error, contradictions in its not true, but their evidence is? That is pure selfishness, pride, ignorance, and disrespect. But of course a secularists isn’t going to respect anything that has to with God because of his moral standards. They don’t want to live up to God to take account of their sins once judgement day comes. Funny news is we all are. Be ready friend.

Points here shows for us suffering as believers the world is its own kingdom. It’s own god, it’s own moral code. They are trying to knock God out of it. Eventually they probably will, especially if we do not stand up for truth and if were not prepared for it. My goal here was to expose their weakness. I did because they exposed ours. We have every right to do so. So my encouragement to y’all today would,

1) You do not have a psychological disorder

2) Your Bible has ALOT less error then their BIG contradicted man made evidence

3) Therefore, how can their evidence be true, if their claims keep on changing?  I mean come on they believed Albert Einstein was an atheist. What makes an atheist look even more stupid is when they quote God’s non-existence using a quote from Einstein. As Einstein called them “fanatical atheists.” Because even Einstein believed in God, just not the biblical God.

So Christians just be ready since your in the wicked’s Kingdom to be attacked. Have a strong community you can rely on here in this world, and be prepared to be told you do not believe in truth, and your wrong. Because the world wants to knock us down. Isn’t that what the serpent did to eve in Gen 3, what Satan did to Jesus in Matthew 4, and what the Sons of God, and Nephilim did to God’s creation in Genesis 6? God then flooded the whole world for it. Because he cared for his people. Furthermore God’s word has a lot less error, then made’s word. God’s word is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow! These errors were in the original manuscripts. Why? No prophet, or apostle, or disciple, was even perfect. God knows perfectionism, is a tool of satan, but the world knows its a tool of acceptance, tolerance, and its cool to abide it. God despises it. So let’s hold tight to His word!

Matthew 24:12-13 says, “Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

2 thoughts on “Why Do Christians Suffer?

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