Why Do Christians Suffer?


A question I thought to myself, “Why do we suffer?” I will let y’all answer this one. This is going to be one of my shorter posts on why I believe we suffer as Christians. The concern here is for Christians. What is this concern?

Well, for starters:

  • Persecution
  • Doubt
  • Insecure Faith
  • Not enough Evidence
  • The Bible’s Moral Standards
  • Contradictions, and Errors

These are a few examples to why each day becomes harder and harder to continue in the Faith. We have the world keeps attacking our views, demanding answers, and scientific evidence that our God exists.

Their claim is if we have no physical or scientific evidence, therefore God doesn’t exist. Meaning we are deluded, illusion, irrational, ignorant, biased, closed-minded hypocrites. Who think they know better then everyone else, and their all wrong because they do not have faith in God. That is how Christianity is labeled today in…

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